Boundary Expert and Master Coach for female entrepreneurs and leaders, who are ready to step into peace, power and purpose.

Ready to unleash your authentic self so you can stand in your power, own your gifts and take up space?

Find out more in just a few simple steps:

I’m a master coach, boundary expert and podcaster for high achieving females.

I’ll show you first hand how to start standing in your power, taking up space and owning your gifts so you can create the life that you truly crave.

My six-month private intensive-Stay True To You has helped hundreds of women overcome people pleasing, build better boundaries, stand in their power, and most importantly stay true to you.

Why Boundaries?

Well first of all, boundaries are about creating more in your life of what you truly want…

More authenticity….less playing small
More peace….less stress

More joy….less overwhelm

More impact….less overthinking

More fulfillment…less guilt

More compassion….less resentment

More truth….less hiding

Boundaries are the very thing that help you stand in your sovereignty and lead your life!  

My 6 month private intensive will help you to:

  • Master speaking up for yourself and your needs

  • Stop negative habits and self sabotage

  • No longer feel obligated to over-commit, over-extend and over-work

  • Have more fun in life

  • Feel empowered and authentic

  • Stop tolerating and accepting relationships that no longer feel good

  • Stop numbing, avoiding and distracting yourself when you don’t feel like you’re good enough

Uplevel your life today

  • I had a successful bodywork practice but knew I wanted more in life. I was just coming out of heartbreak and processing a lot of grief from a break-up that exposed just how much pain I’d been holding in most of my life. I had some deep insecurities and a people pleasing pattern that was causing me a lot of internal pain and anxiety. I knew that I wanted to be a life coach but fear and struggle were really holding me back. I had so much self-doubt and insecurity when I started coaching with you. I was also coming out of a life long pattern of people pleasing and co-dependency and you helped me heal a lot of those childhood wounds. All of that healing and support helped me recognize just how unfulfilled I’d been in my life. I wasn’t living my full potential. Coaching helped me see that I was born to be a leader and a teacher. Now I’m officially a life-coach. My practice is continuing to grow and I’m so thankful for all your love, support,and commitment to helping me be the best version of myself. My kids notice I’m happier and I have days where I feel so blissed out from the inner personal freedom I’ve gained. You cannot put a price on that. Coaching with Krista will change your life and allow you to be the best version of yourself! You will learn so many things about yourself that’ll help you in every aspect of your life from relationships to creating a life you want!!


  • Life has been kind to me. I have a fortunate and abundant life as far as “outward success.” By outward success, I mean, I am financially stable, and all my basic needs are beyond met. However, my inner world has always struggled, and struggled heavily. My romantic relationships have always struggled, and I have recently went through a divorce. I know my on going struggle to relate in a healthy romantic relationship is greatly impacted by my childhood, past, suppressed emotions, and lack of emotional awareness. Through my work with Krista, I have a new found ability to release trapped energy and emotion. I have always ran away from, numbed myself to, and distracted myself from “big emotions.” I have always been afraid to feel emotional pain, sadness, and grief. This coaching experience has taught me that it’s okay to feel and face these things. After my coaching with Krista, I am able to move through them and come out on the other side of them stronger and wiser. Suppressed emotion can be limiting to our success in many ways. Learning to navigate through big emotions and not feel trapped, held hostage, or controlled by them is imperative for anyone’s success. I highly recommend Krista to help you through this process.
